This is how you do it – email promotion

I love Photojojo. And Photojojo loves me, or so they tell me. I read their email newsletters and I occasionally buy some photo-related bits and pieces from them. Over the weekend I got a mail from them saying thanks for my past purchases, giving me a $5 discount on anything from their store for the weekend only and first dibs on a few new items before they were announced. That’s totally cool with me, but in case it wasn’t they sign the email off as shown below. Reassuring me that they’re not going to spam me (once in three years is acceptable) and two very clear links to unsubscribe. Can’t beat that.



A Social Media 'How To' for Retailers

“The social media frenzy—also known as consumer-generated media (CGM)—refers to content being created 24-hours a day online on blogs, message boards, social networks like Facebook and platforms like Twitter. CGM has come a long way from the early newsgroup days and continues to grow rapidly.”

Best Marketing Practices? Think “Blog,” “Website” and “SEO”

Interesting if obviously unscientific. I’ve found Wordle useful myself for internal ‘persuasion’ purposes … some people are just more comfortable when information is presented to them in an easily parsed visual manner such as this.