Gmail now has the ability to deliver email from the future. I may have to ring the sender to find out if they did actually write this mail, or if the great Google Satan is now composing email on behalf of its users.
Gmail now has the ability to deliver email from the future. I may have to ring the sender to find out if they did actually write this mail, or if the great Google Satan is now composing email on behalf of its users.
5 years since The Subservient Chicken? That make me feel old.
Good to see he’s still going strong though.
My life is complete (for this week at least)
“The internet is the most liberating of all mass media developed to date. It is participatory, like swapping stories around a campfire or attending a renaissance fair. It is not meant solely to push content, in one direction, to a captive audience, the way movies or traditional network television did. It provides the greatest array of entertainment and information, on any subject, with any degree of formality, on demand.”
Stewart Lee tells it like it is. Amen.