✩ Want You To Know: Tripping Rebels In Your PS4

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Listen to this while marveling at these people discovering they're on the air when they really didn't intend or want to be.

Anyway, on with the show. The Oxford Dictionaries Word of the year is a pictograph or emoji. This made people angry because it was clearly selected to make people angry on the Internet. Applause all round.

Wild Speculation And Cock-Ups Special

After observing the now very short mandatory period of thoughtful solemnity and empathy following a terrorist attack, the wild speculation is in full swing.

Vice debunks the 'OMG terrists IN your Playstation 4' rumours.

The HuffPo theorises that the attackers might have been tripping.

The TVE channel in Spain attributed the Paris attacks to the Rebel Alliance.

A woman named Isis claims she's been blocked from logging in to Facebook.

More as we get them. Or not.

Worth Pondering


Eye Candy


'Ships Made of Concrete'

Totally Confused

Ben Carson doesn't know very much about foreign policy, Ben Carson doesn't know much about geography, Twitter censorship, why Rdio died and refugees are the worst.

Finally, Overstock.com is burying precious metals in a desert. Just because, you know, Armageddon is inevitable.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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State Of The Nation’s Feeds

I’m building a general election-themed Twitter bot for giggles. It tweets out generated campaign phrases from fictitious candidates. I thought it would be a good idea to check press releases from the various political parties to see if they could provide more phrases to add to the bot’s repertoire.


What should have been a simple exercise in adding some feeds to my RSS reader turned out to be anything but. I searched for ‘labour party ireland press releases’ and duly clicked on the first result I was shown. This took me to a 404 page.



I scrolled to the bottom of the page and clicked on the link marked ‘RSS Feeds’. This also took me to a 404.



After some brief poking around I did find the feed and chucked it into my reader. A first success.

Next I toddled over to finegael.ie, only to find it was down. No holding page or anything, just not working at all.


Update: The Fine Gael site was back online when I checked about two hours later. Coherent and accessible ‘Latest News’ section, no discernible feeds.

Undaunted, I moved on to fiannafail.ie, only to discover that there seemed to be no discoverable RSS feed at all on that site.


My next stop was sinnfein.ie, which was by far the easiest of the lot. There was an easily accessible ‘News’ section with dated entries in reverse chronological order. There was a link called ‘RSS Feed’ in the footer. I put this into my reader. It worked. I moved on.

Surely those champions of small business, Renua, would have a slick digital communications operation? Sadly not. The page titled ‘News’ was a strange collection of undated things that may or may not have been issued as press releases. Some of them were certainly structured and phrased as if they were press releases. The entry at the top of the page, so presumably the latest one, was just a picture of the cover of the Electoral (Amendment) (Moriarty Tribunal) Bill, with a ‘Continue reading’ link underneath it. Following this link led to a page with an embedded copy of the bill, free of any commentary and context.

So how about the Social Democrats, Ireland’s newest party? There is a news page which is easily accessible straight from the home page, the items have publication dates but there’s no feed.

I know that RSS never quite caught on in the way it could or should have, but it’s disappointing to find such overall clunkiness in the way parties are doing their digital communications. Adding this stuff is pretty simple. Not having it is a strange omission.

Jottings, Saturday 14th




✩ Want You To Know: NOTIFY

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There's now an app from Facebook to gather all your notifications in one place, which is of course just another way for Facebook to slither deeper into your mobile 'experience' and steal your precious interactions while you sleep. Surely this is a tacit admission that notifications are not at all working as intended and the apps on your phone or tablet have become like small children desperately competing for their parent's attention?

Edward Snowden has a few tips about reclaiming your privacy over on The Intercept. They're pretty useful for anyone who uses the Internet or doesn't live in a cave. The main problem, however, is that a lot of this stuff sounds difficult and possibly beyond the ability of an average user. Also, most people are happy enough to use the devices and apps they're given with the out-of-the-box settings. Currently, convenience trumps privacy.

I mixed together a few New Orleans cuts touched by the hand of the wonderful Allen Toussaint over on Mixcloud. Serve it loud with lots of bass if you can.

Remember that fictional Modigliani I mentioned yesterday? Better hope it's not a naughty one, because the rude bits are being censored on the real one that's in the news at the moment.

Worth Pondering


Eye Candy


'1927: Ireland in color'

Totally Confused

Tearful Sandi Thom, homeopathic constitutional crisis, Roald Dahl James Bond, things in books and Prince was right.

Finally, YouTube Music is here.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: Smoked Puffin Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken

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That dating app you use? It doesn't work very well, because lots of people just don't like lots of other people. Amazing news.

If you should be lucky enough to find yourself a rich lover by way of an algorithm, this history of extremely high art prices might be of some use when persuading them to splurge on something nice to go over the fireplace.

When that's taken care of and you've got your feet up, admiring the Modigliani, spare a thought for the people in Mississippi the Internet forgot. Though those folks probably don't have to worry about putting on their dazzle camouflage makeup before they go to the shops.

Worth Pondering

(That's an official communication from an Irish government department there folks.)

Eye Candy


'New York Punk Then and Now: Touring Downtown Rock Haunts With Photographer David Godlis'

Totally Confused

Fallacies, listed, yourlogicalfallacyis.com, watching Shia LaBeouf, smoked puffin doesn't taste like chicken and no more Noma.

Finally, and to my great shame I have only now noticed that there is a Techdirt podcast.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: From The Front

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It's tough out there in the Internet trenches. Here are some brief dispatches from the front.

The life and times of someone who admins a number of Facebook pages of perhaps questionable value to the world.

Online polls are ruining democracy, or at the very least changing it quite notably.

Can we fix it with GIFs?

Legend in reference to an artist is often overused, but it's absolutely appropriate to the late Allen Toussaint. This BBC documentary from the year after Hurricane Katrina gives a good overview of the scale of his quiet influence on twentieth century popular music. The Vice has a nice tribute with many links, all of which you should click on. I kicked off a recent mix with his stunning version of "St. James' Infirmary".

Worth Pondering


Eye Candy

'Tibetan Buddhists Gather for the Bliss Dharma Assembly', The Atlantic

Totally Confused

Skifall, dancing doge the first, dancing doge the second, a billion dollars for a form and a billion dollars in eight minutes.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: Singularity Of Smarm

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It's been a while since I did a quick roundup of Facebook creepiness. As I don't use it I sometimes find it hard to keep up with its privacy-comprising endeavours and efforts.

With 'singularity of smarm', Leigh Alexander puts her finger on the unnerving nature of the march of this latest wave of technology. We don't really want to be on first name terms with the machines living in the Uncanny Valley. We probably shouldn't want them to have access to all the delicious data they want to slurp from our phones either, but they're going to keep trying that as well.

Less visible is the rise of machine learning, which broadly attempts to make lots of powerful machines replicate the way a human brain works. It's how Google is able to recognise things in your photos and much, much more. Also supremely creepy. Now that they've open-sourced parts of the code everyone will be able to get in on some of this creepy action.

According to Forrester Research, next year is when we'll reach some sort of tipping point for privacy concerns. Of course the data grabbers are well aware of this and working to mitigate any possible impact it may have on their bottom lines.

"If we are paying Google for a service, it turns us from users into customers and that means we can hold Google more accountable."

Is this really the best we can hope for? A smidgeon more accountability?

Meanwhile Facebook and Twitter are killing the open web. Of course, if that's news to you well then you haven't been paying attention. What is surprising is how quickly publishers capitulated to Facebook in particular, which now has a very firm grip on their traffic and seems to be approaching a situation where it can dial it up and down at will.

Worth Pondering


Eye Candy

'The Most #NoFilter Worthy Places on Earth'

Totally Confused

Best bots, Ben Carson's house, heavy Latin, "Doctor" Ben Spaceman and best vine.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: Sweats Flies

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Hail November! Stop doing whatever you're doing and read this! Used up my exclamation mark quota for the month already!

“My husband points out that I can now make the charts in Masquerade read anything I want them to,” complained one of Kit Williams’ correspondents. Another, a clergyman, wrote out of concern for one of his parishioners: “The problem is that she has become obsessed with the puzzle, and sees everything that happens to her in terms of it.” He was worried about her mental health, but even more about her soul: “Could you please, therefore, confirm definitely that there is no hidden religious or occult meaning to Masquerade?”

‘This Goes All the Way to the Queen’: The Puzzle Book that Drove England to Madness

In excellent tech writing, Matthew Hughes manages to make the story of Windows XP non-upgraders fascinating.

Most of the towers and laptops Samuel sells have Windows XP installed using the same license key. Those tend to be the cheaper computers. Windows 7 commands a premium, so he saves it for the more powerful and expensive machines.

I wanted to know what the enduring appeal of Windows XP is, over fourteen years after it was first released.

'Why Windows XP Won’t Be Going Away Anytime Soon'

Finally, some sportsballing scribbling. This is a really great piece of writing about rugby culture in New Zealand, well worth it even if you've no interest in the sport now that it's not all over the telly any more.

“So where are you going next?” Daniell asks.

“Auckland grammar.”

“Good idea.” He looks me over. “But you should probably shave before you go. Last time I was there I had a beard and the coach told me I was setting a bad example to his players.”

I laugh.

“No,” he says, “I’m serious.”

'The making of an All Black: how New Zealand sustains its rugby dynasty'

Worth Pondering


Eye Candy

'New York City sends old subway cars to a watery grave in the Atlantic ocean'

Totally Confused

Highway to hell, 'Hi Marc', while Jeb was gone, terrible sports bras and Thicke as two short planks.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: Back With The Bacon, Blimps

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Yes, I'd been planning to get things going again, newsletter-wise, at the start of this month. Unfortunately events and good weather got in the way of that, but it turns out this is an incredibly auspicious time to be restarting a newsletter. That was the Harvard Business Review saying that, and if the Harvard Business Review says it so then it's obviously seriously business.

Anyway, let's get going.

Recently it's all been bacon and blimps. Bacon is bad. Communication about bacon is bad. Bacon is on Air Force One. Blimp is free. Blimp is down. Blimp is expensive and mostly useless.

the most brutal maltreatment that has ever been inflicted on the mother-tongue of the great English-speaking nations

Hell no.

Why Denis Redacted, why? Mark Zuckerberg: domination or revolution?

In magician news, David Mitchell is great on Ursula LeGuin's Earthsea and why Ged is the best wizard of them all. I try and reread the trilogy every couple of years because it is a masterclass in taut storytelling.

Worth Pondering


Eye Candy


'Portraits of Cats Shaking Themselves Clean'

Totally Confused

Speed of Animals, crowdsourcing stealth help, fairy census, "it's a made-up drug" and Ermahgerddon.

Sportsing Corner

As the Rugby World Cup winds down, it's time to revisit this piece of magnificent writing from way back at the start of the tournament. These sort of people are real. I have met them.

He is the guy at the pub who always talk a little louder than he needs to. He is the guy who tries to race you at traffic lights. He is a Twitter banter account in human form. He is the sort of person for whom the word “mate” is not a term of endearment, but a grammatical punch in the face, an axiom to be deployed at the start of every sentence like a capital letter.

'Matt Dawson: the great Hakarena irritant who will never be truly important enough to hate'

Yours etc., @loughlin

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