✩ Want You To Know: It’s Data Privacy Day

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Today is Data Privacy Day and the Irish Data Protection Commissioner issued a press release to mark the occasion. The focus on lack of compliance within the public sector is timely, as this area is just as at risk as the private sector of leaking people's sensitive information. A strong independent overseer of data held and processed by both private and public sector organisations is just what is needed. The Irish Data Protection Commissioner is in a particularly important position here as so many multinationals which use personal data as a de facto commodity are headquartered in Ireland.

Meanwhile the Irish Times tells us that Digital Rights Ireland will be serving papers on the Irish Government and the Attorney General shortly, questioning the independence of the Data Protection Commissioner's office.

The papers note that the office of the commissioner, Helen Dixon, is integrated with the Department of Justice and that the commissioner and all her office’s employees are civil servants.

The story goes on to mention the repeated criticisms that have been levelled at the commissioner's office for being 'soft' on regulation. That so many data-thirsty multinationals provide so many jobs in Ireland may contribute to this light touch. An added irony is that this comes just a day after the report into the banking crisis, caused and fuelled in part by a similar lightweight regulatory regime, was published.

So we have a watchdog staffed entirely by civil servants which is responsible for policing the civil service's data protection practices, in a state which is highly dependent on multinationals whose entire businesses are based on loose data protection controls. What could possibly go wrong?

Here's some more recent food for thought.

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Totally Confused

Regrets, they've had a few, a very sick unicorn, no ads Twitter, crying children and failure as a pro gamer.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: Disruptology

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Well now. Gerry Adams is publishing a book of his best tweets. This is a thing that is actually happening.

As the surveillance row involving GSOC rumbles on, Karlin Lillington took her colleagues in the media to task for ignoring the issue until it was about them, and then making it all about them.

Presumably Irish political strategists have read this. If you want to reach people online and you have the budget, Facebook ads are the way to do it.

Oh, and there's a new PJ Harvey album on the way.

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'Illustrated Portraits of Famous Artists by Irina Kruglova

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Leaky thermostats, lost phones, transplanted monkey heads, fuck off funds and spin me right round Palin.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: Might As Well Trump

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Slim pickings today as I've been busy removing all the Amazon apps from my cheap as chips Fire 7 in case I purchase something I don't want by mistake. I'm willing to bet this is a not uncommon occurrence.

Anyway, re: that tennis thing, remember when folks used to mock Buzzfeed because they thought it was all listicles and cats and Internet-friendly content ready for rapid delivery straight into the maws of an unimportant audience that wasn't interested in serious journalism? Much of the mocking came from older media who were also very jealous of the massive traffic Buzzfeed was getting. Many of these outlets are now creating or repurposing their own readily clickshareable junk content, and usually not doing it as well as Buzzfeed was in 2010 or so.

Sean Penn and journalism went head to head and journalism came off worse.

The Gsoc snooping kerfuffle continues. For some reason this article doesn't mention that the underlying law is the subject of a High Court challenge by Digital Rights Ireland.

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'Images of Afghanistan'

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Palin in plain text, Palin on a loop, TrumpScript, terrorist house, and Area Satiric Publication The Onion Sold To Univision (Seriously).

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: Fake Friday Face Harvesting

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Fake Bundy. Fake journalist. Fake rats. It's almost as if you can't trust anything you read and rebroadcast on the Internet these days.

Apple wants to know how you feel. The FT article, which is paywalled, quotes Emotient as having the ability to harvest faces. I'll bet that's an ice-breaker at parties when someone idly asks what you do for a living.

From the Mildly Eyebrow Raising Desk, T-Mobile's CEO took a somewhat unorthodox approach to corporate communications yesterday. Don't know about you but I'm looking forward to this brave new future of executives swearily shouting about civil rights groups who they feel are being mean to them.


The Indo tells us the Gardai have declared war on nerds. Because the only people who use near-ubiquitous consumer technology are nerds. This is also very much not a new development.

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Painting Two Boeing 737s

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Good picture tweets, trade show boilerplate, owl pics, pissroach and hunter drone.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: Possibly Useful

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Rather than going on about Twitter floating the idea of unleashing walls of text, or Facebook deliberately breaking its own app to make people anxious, or even the puddle in Newcastle, here are a few small things you might find useful or at the very least distracting from the drudgery of it all. As I'm currently doing that 'new year tidy up yer bookmarks thing' there could be several more of these collections to come …

Listen to music from the command line, sort of. Forget about your streaming players with their fancy interfaces and try cmd.to.

If you like watching postage stamp sized videos while getting other things done in your browser, the Sideplayer extension for Chrome is just what you've been waiting for.

Give yourself an atmospheric background with youarelistening.to, which mashes scanner streams from around the world together with ambienty music from Soundcloud and / or YouTube.

Maybe you're working on something that involves agonising over which would be the most appropriate font to use. Let professionals choose pleasing combinations of Google Web Fonts for you.

Make your own tunes with Soundtrap. It's the closest thing to a fully featured DAW in the cloud I've come across. Easy to tinker around with even if you're not familiar with this kind of thing.

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'Fifth Avenue Then And Now'

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Awkward adolescent tech, inventing Autotune, reincarnated microbus, design by tweet and 'beating' games.

Finally, here's a mix of my favourite cover versions from 2015. Contains One Direction.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: Off To A Good Start

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Two Oh One Six is here. The air is thick with commemoration smoke and the year only a few days old. The free calendar with last Saturday's Indo is so crammed with events that there's barely any space to write in any of your own. Anyway, back to the show.

Whilst the occupation of a Federal building in Oregon by armed militia members is obviously serious business and shouldn't in any way be sniggered at, referring to them as Vanilla ISIS is inspired.

Back on the Internet there's a rumour that Facebook may have been sometimes deliberately tormenting users of its Android app by breaking it to see how they'd react. This seems a bit underhand, but Fast Company have found a man to quote who thinks it's brave, so what do I know? Incidentally, how long has Fast Company not been bothering to put dates on stories for? That's sort of OK for company blogs if you want your posts to resurface occasionally (hello Intercom!) but not OK for news.

3. Where do you see marketing going this year?
That's easy. To a conference in Las Vegas.

The above taken from '5 Questions For The New Year'. It's all you need to know about advertising for the year ahead.

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'Buildings That Look Like Stacked Boxes'

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Cat plus monkey plus banana, fireball, pink flamingos, the George awakens and 1,000 horsepower electric car.

Finally, I made this mix of mainly miserable music that I felt was the best of 2015. Enjoy, if that's the right word 😉

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: Electronic, Uplifting, Make It Christmassy

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So Twitter's new strategy of fiddling around with things to show investors that they can make UI changes continues with an experiment in breaking the chronological order of the stream. I assume the plan is to crush all user resistance to this and then stuff people's feeds with more irrelevant ads, thus delivering the Facebook experience that Wall Street allegedly wants. Call me naive but I thought a lot of competition and positioning theory was centred around differentiation …

Following up on yesterday's Spotify Year In Music shenanigans, the A.V. Club has released its list of the least essential albums of the year. Pointless music at its finest, a truly horrendous collection. There's probably not much need to be concerned though, as the future of music has arrived, mostly unheralded. Jukedeck.com generates production music for videos on the fly. Pick a genre, select a mood and choose a duration and it generates the music for you. It even has a festive 'Make It Christmassy' button for added hellishness, though all this seems to do is smear jingle bells and Christmas song samples on top of whatever it had already generated.

Meanwhile the European Commission is still trying to break the Internet at the behest of wounded publishers. This is possibly the dimmest of all dim ideas, but the dogged determination with which it has been pursued over the last number of years is quite a sight to see.

Sportsing Corner

"National Women's Soccer League players earn an estimated 98.6 percent less than players in Major League Soccer, its male equivalent." And despite being World Champions the US national women's soccer team are still treated atrociously, because feeble wimminz just don't do sportsing right or something.

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Information Is Beautiful, 2015 Awards Winners

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Aussie bitcoin, TITSUP, abandoned jumbos, Steorn's return and Octopus Raft latest.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: The Forms Are Too HARD

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Damn, it's December already. 'Best of 2015' lists are in full swing. If lists of books are your thing, here's the eighth annual Largehearted Boy big list of all the lists of books.

Spotify has a pretty presentation of some end of year figures which are mostly meaningless and firmly from the school of 'big figures are good'. It will also tell you what you've been listening to by season and present you with inexplicable pictures apparently connected to this.


You can look forward to a holiday season on Twitter marked by publishers posting more images than usual in an attempt to get to grips with what "we're introducing a richer photo experience on twitter.com" means for them. This will end when someone figures out how to reproduce longcat in three sequential tweets. Oh 2010, we were so young then! (Incidentally, when searching for "longcat joins Twitter" I got a lot of results for "Monica Lewinsky joins Twitter". I've no idea either.)

Not wanting to be considered second to Google in any sphere, Facebook has announced that it can abandon a whole load of half-baked unsupported projects too.

The Internet has replaced TV by becoming more like TV than TV itself.

If you really, really don't like a film and are asked to review it, you could learn a lot from this.

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'Top 25 News Photos of 2015'

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The McElvaney shuffle, the Sun making things up, pizza being made, close the Internet and Republicans holding dildos.

Finally, the title is a reference to politicians responding to last night's broadcast of an RTE investigation into standards in public office. The mood music emerging seemed to be that they wouldn't have failed to declare multiple commercial interests if the forms weren't just so damn hard to fill in.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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✩ Want You To Know: Rogues And Imbeciles

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As a consultant to Silicon Valley startups, Eyal helps his clients mimic what he calls the ‘narcotic-like properties’ of sites such as Facebook and Pinterest. His goal, Eyal told Business Insider, is to get users ‘continuing through the same basic cycle. Forever and ever.’ In Hooked, he sets out to answer a simple question: ‘How is it that these companies, producing little more than bits of code displayed on a screen, can seemingly control users’ minds?’

The Internet is turning into one giant Skinner box. Though you knew that already, toiling away in the click mines as you are.


In Ireland the government is apparently going to sell people's private healthcare information without their consent. Because that's the sort of thing that happens when you put a selection of rogues and imbeciles in charge of something sensitive.

Slack going down the other day provided an excellent example of how to do customer support and crisis management communications correctly. Seems straightforward enough, but companies rarely get it as right as Slack did.

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'Welcomed to Europe'

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Sexiest Man Alive, kind kid, SlowSneigh, Taylor Swift is definitely in New Zealand and a very misguided ad campaign.

Yours etc., @loughlin

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