Wealth? Credit, more like.
Author: loughlin
Logo evolution
To me, the most interesting evolutions are the ones that result from multiple companies merging (like the Audi logo above). (via swissmiss)
This is, like, literally, oh my god, literal
They'll be manning customer support phone lines soon
Monkey waiters, bound to decimate the service industries eventually.
Greek postmen take title
“Greek Rural Postmen and Their Cancellation Numbers has been crowned the oddest book title of the past 30 years. In The Bookseller’s online poll to find the “Diagram of Diagrams”, Derek Willan’s comprehensive record of a sector of Greece’s postal routes gained 13% of the public vote. Gary Leon Hill’s People Who Don’t Know They’re Dead finished second (11% of the public vote) and John Trimmer’s guide to avoiding maritime mishaps, How to Avoid Huge Ships (10%) finished third.”
Other titles in the list that I thought were in with a shout included Bombproof Your Horse, Highlights in the History of Concrete and The Joy of Chickens.
Magpies now self-aware. Nothing shiny is safe.
Photo tampering through history
360 degree Beijing Olympic stadium panorama
I like the other two photographers hamming it up for the camera.
10 futuristic user interfaces
I want the Comcast screen …
I read elsewhere that what happens at 0:39 may well be the greatest moment so far in music video history. I tend to agree.