I highly recommend reading the background to this.
Author: loughlin
Funky Earcandy
I just discovered Mixcloud, there seem to be some nice mixes up there. More as I find them.
Killer No Filler by Orsii on Mixcloud
Oh Look, The Latest Thing Didn’t Just Appear Overnight
BBC Podcast, , The Secret History of Social Networking.
Mr. Smith Showing No Signs Of Leaving Town
Via the Londonist, the distribution and frequency of London city’s surnames, using data from the 2001 electoral register.
January Earcandy
Wisdom Of The Ages
Ready? Sure? Whatever the situation or secret moment, enjoy everything a lot. Feel able to absolutely care. Expect nothing else. Keep making love. Family and friends matter. The world is life, fun, and energy. Maybe hard. Or easy. Taking exactly enough is best. Help and talk to others. Change your mind and a better mood comes along…
Congratulations, you’ve just been horoscoped.
Things Real People Don’t Say About Advertising
Just One More Piece Of Earcandy
Image via weheartit.com.
Last mix before the end of the year, and it’s another magnificently chilled one called Head In The Clouds from CPI @ Thetastates.
200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 minutes
via Brainpickings.