✩ Want You To Know: Kim Kardashian On A Newton

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Why spend three grand on a mass manufactured telepresence robot? Locally grown artisianal telepresence solution iPad On A FaceTM brings telepresence doubling to you!

Brought to you by the amazing Stupid Projects From The Stupid Hackathon. Even more Stupid Projects.

It looked like a cross between social media and talk radio, if talk radio had a visual component where a bunch of digital characters shoot one another. And as a form of entertainment, it seemed perfectly suited to a world where people jump around browser windows, watching a video in one, checking Facebook in another.

It seems to be that time where there are a few pieces about professional video gaming doing the rounds. I have yet to figure out why this happens every few months, or whether it’s becoming more frequent, considering that this has been a ‘thing’ for a considerable number of years now. The New Yorker does it well, not surprisingly. The New York Times can’t resist rolling out a few of the traditional cliches but comes up with a good profile piece. Ultimate takeaway: it’s just another job.

The NYT also has a piece on the improbable success of John Oliver. The shorter version of this article would read “perfect for YouTube”.

Remaining with cyclical thinkpieces, ‘The Web is Dying!’ In cyclical response pieces, ‘No it isn’t!’

This is a wearable that will definitely be a success.

Man wears the same suit for a year. Nothing happens.

Whilst reading this piece about Facebook at Work, bear in mind that Facebook has been announcing something similar to Facebook at Work on a fairly regular basis for quite some time now.

Eye Candy


Porcelain Fractal Sculptures

Worth Pondering


Totally Confused

Gordon Ramsay’s table booking nightmares, Beards of Time, thieving squirrel, scam artist to clean up Ebola and emoji evolution.

Finally, ‘Biblical Verses Where “Philistines” Are Replaced With “Haters”‘.



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