Author: loughlin
Monkey Business
“Rennet-based droning”
This is my new favourite phrase. Thank you Marina Hyde (and Alex James!)
Many A Happy Hour I’ve Spent Drawing Maps
I doubt there is much interest out there in paying even £15 for any of them, let alone £115,000.
From The Awl, ‘The Maps We Wandered Into As Kids’.
Daily Fail? Not Exactly.
The world’s most popular online newspaper is not the New York Times, USA Today, or the Wall Street Journal. You may not have ever visited it on purpose. If you’re American, you may not have even heard of it. It’s the Daily Mail.
Slate has a look at how the Daily Mail does print and online very differently.
Put A Bird On It!
Shame on me, I hadn’t realised that in addition to doing Wild Flag-related things, Carrie Brownstein had also been writing and starring in the quirkily wonderful Portlandia.
The second season is being broadcast in the US at the moment. Here’s a highlight from the first season.
More: LA Times interview | New Yorker profile, Carrie Brownstein
This May Be Taking The Whole Beanbags At Work Thing A Bit Far
Pictures of Google’s new headquarters in London.
Stop-Motion Tintin – From 1947
Simply fantastic.
Inappropriate musical accompaniment with perhaps appropriate title: ‘Brand new, you’re retro’.
Ten Words You Need To Stop Misspelling
Oh yes indeed, from The Oatmeal.
I am picky about spelling, always have been. It’s called getting it right. Whilst I know that language usage and the spelling of some words evolves and morphs over time, these are some of the most constant, clanging offenders.
More misspelling: