Oh hi, anyone who may read this. Long time no see.
Here’s some nerdy Patton Oswalt improvisation.
Oh hi, anyone who may read this. Long time no see.
Here’s some nerdy Patton Oswalt improvisation.
Really just an excuse to fiddle with multiple photo filters
That is all.
Go here for ambience, playlist for VLC media player should download automatically.
Here. You know you should be able to get through most of them by the end of the year.
This is the best thing Charlie Brooker has done, in my opinion. Seems that marriage and fatherhood may have even made him nicer, or certainly more generous to his characters. Stands up to back-to-back viewing, as there’s quite a lot going on.
Already been shared all over the place, but it is extremely striking video. Contains a loud bang.
Here’s a dose of bird-themed eye-candy, courtesy of the BBC.Narrated by David Tennant.