✩ Want You To Know: Out Of The Corner Of Your Eye You Spot Him

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First, just watch this. "Shia LaBoeuf", live.

The Guardian is now bigger than the New York Times online. Not as big as Mail Online of course.

Public Wi-Fi networks are called public for a reason.

Susan Myers from Florida is this year's Tipper Gore. Does she think there is actual crystal meth in the bag? Anyway, her petition has been successful and Toys 'R' Us have removed the morally corrupting dolls.

If you've ever been to a technology conference, this will be achingly familiar. It's also side-splittingly funny.

Worth Pondering


Eye Candy, DIY Edition


DIY geometric masks

Totally Confused

Falsifying rock history, labels that might make people healthier, marriage changes messaging, Back To The Future realities, and this dog doesn't get out of bed for less than $15,000 a month.

Finally, a delightfully sweary take on GamerGate.

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✩ Want You To Know: We are both on the Internet, and we agree about something

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Need some help parsing what people say on the Internet? Mallory Ortberg is here to help. As usual, it is actually worth reading the comments on The Toast.

Of all media outlets, CNN has decided it's time to come out as a voice of reason amidst the Ebola hysteria sweeping the USA. It's done that by running an overwrought story about the hysteria. Sitting alongside this item is a sidebar full of Ebola stories that would impress the creator's of the Mail Online's 'sidebar of shame'.

No, Banksy wasn't arrested, you tabloid ninnies.

Technology / Internets

Microsoft might be better positioned to focus on cloud computing rather than mobile. Well spotted, NYT. Even the average head-in-the-clouds mobile handset consumer might have noticed that Windows phones aren't exactly selling in largew numbers.

Irish people are buying things online. This changes everything.

Monica Lewinsky joins Twitter as part of her campaign to end online bullying. Twitter users start bullying Monica Lewinsky. Don't you go changing, Internet.

Forget this digital communications lark, we should all get back to crafting beautiful handwritten letters.

Worth Pondering


Eye Candy


Trine Sondegaard: Interiors 2007-12

Totally Confused

Zombie-proof cabin, online dating via chimney, cats are horrible, plants are sad when you eat them and mythbusting a MythBuster on McDonalds.

Finally, I made this especially for Irish Water.

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✩ Want You To Know: Turkey Spellcheck

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Quiz: Trent Reznor or household appliance?

The BBC Genome Project has published all the Radio Times listings from 1923 to 2009. The repressed copy editor within you can sign up and help them fix things wot is broke.


Whisper, the totally not insecure app for sharing your innermost thoughts with the Internet turns out to be anything but secure. Could anyone possibly have seen that coming?

Twitter still thinks people would like to see tweets in their timeline from folks they don't follow. Eh, no thanks.


A few thoughtful things on GamerGate, because it just won't go away.

Gamergate is exactly what it appears to be: a relatively small and very loud group of video game enthusiasts who claim that their goal is to audit ethics in the gaming-industrial complex and who are instead defined by the campaigns of criminal harassment that some of them have carried out against several women.

They threatened the wrong woman this time. I am the Godzilla of bitches. I have a backbone of pure adamantium, and I’m sick of seeing them abuse my friends.

Imagine! You hear your child talking animatedly about something. He steps closer and you hear him say "bias" and "Sarkeesian." The words drip with spite. Later, you hear him through the bedroom door, talking to his webcam: "No, it's about corruption in games journalism!" What do you do?

For any traditional protest movement, a front-page story in America’s leading newspaper linking it with death threats, harassment and terror threats should be a death knell.

Worth Pondering


Eye Candy



Totally Confused

Homeopathic overdose, the greatest love of all, on Tinder, adultery arms race, autocomplete a song and subway smokebomb redux.

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✩ Want You To Know: Heresy, homoheresy

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Well this is interesting.

"I also joined Twitter to follow Britney Spears" he says. "But I didn't have anything to tweet about. So I figured, hey, tweeting these facts would be a really good idea. It was just so I could feel like I was closer to her.”

People will click on any old made-up crap is the lesson here.

People will also trust any old online service with their naked pics. Well done to everybody involved in this one.

With security in mind, it will be interesting to see how tweeting money works out. Probably not that well.

Weezer have released a whole load of rubbish albums in the last twenty years. Rivers Cuomo still hasn't decided which one is the worst. Hint: It's usually Pinkerton or the one immediately preceding the new one.

Dropbox techdudebros are awful, entitled, 'do you know who we are' types.

'Even so, the Ebola patients I treated were probably just as shocked by my appearance as they were about their intense suffering.'


What seems to be a mild call for taking the radical option of being somewhat nicer towards gay people has been met with a predictable conservative Catholic response.

The tradition-minded blog Rorate Caeli called the document "heresy, homoheresy."

They're can be so cute when they're angry.



It's budget time again. That there chart shows what caused the world's first government budget to be implemented. It looks a lot like the ups and downs of the Irish economy over the last twenty years.

Worth Pondering


Totally Confused

Wedding stalking, female pickup artistry, real life ninja turtle, animal family portraits and underviewed videos.

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✩ Want You To Know: Jam Tomorrow

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Still in short mode, hopefully there'll be a bit more depth next week. That can in no way be construed as a promise, of course.


Twin Peaks returns, and the GIFs will be off the charts, or something.

Technology, Surprise! Edition

Surprise! Ads are coming to SnapChat.

Quartz draws the "Venmo Line". It seems people from different age cohorts have different opinions on different things. Surprising.

HTC launches its monster phone. If you've been yearning to leave your phone in shallow water for up to half an hour, this is the phone for you.

The birth of Pong, and by extension the video games industry.

Arcade games, once the domain of pinball companies based in Chicago, would soon be transformed by engineers based in Silicon Valley.

Serious Eye Candy


Wrapped in plastic: Preparing for Ebola


Sportspeople: is there nothing they can't launch? This asbestos, it's just everywhere. Mystery jam tomorrow for most from Sinn Fein.

Worth Pondering


Totally Confused

Camel view, foot arson, fake food, covered in bees and Pope Francis popping pill.

FInally, stay safe out there. Be sure to practice biblically correct sex at all times.

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✩ Want You To Know: We Are All In This Together

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Unintentional comedy from an unlikely source today: Facebook may be close to launching an app for anonymous users. In which bizarro parallel universe would anyone trust Facebook to handle their anonymity?

From the frivolous but yet deadly serious lawsuits desk, how do you solve a problem like who owns How?


What happens when you combine the editorial sensibility of Upworthy with the world's most powerful corporations and filter it all through Vice's ad agency?

This. This is what happens. "We are all in this together" is the tagline. It's unclear who the we in this line refers to. Perhaps the megabrands?

Bitcoin. Still a bit wobbly.

Ello is over, now you need to be on Owdy. It has a manifesto!


Watch Anita Sarkeesian at XOXO talk about the tactics the whiny, angry man-babies of GamerGate use to discredit her and other women online. Heed her advice and never post anything on 4Chan, ever.

Twitter is suing the US Government to allow it tell the world how much snooping the US Government is doing.

Serious Eye Candy


Molly Crabapple illustrates daily life in Raqqa under Islamic State control.

Worth Pondering


Totally Confused

RocketSkates, artisanal pregnancy, daycare heroin, secure parking and copycat clowns.

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✩ Want You To Know: “worried, sometimes in tears”

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CoUQvrO.jpgimage via

Hello Commander Hadfield, for the past year and a half my 5-year-old son goes to bed worried, sometimes in tears. He is worried about the Voyager Interstellar spacecraft, the fact that it is out there all by itself. He wants it to come home to be safe. What do we tell him?

Chris Hadfield provides yet more evidence that he may be the nicest person on this planet.

In Hong Kong, polite is dangerous.


From the Department of Didn't See That Coming, Adaptive Path has been acquired by a bank

Those security breaches just keep on coming. JP Morgan Chase, the largest bank in the USA, has so far admitted that it hasn't found any evidence of "fraud involving the use of customer information". Which means either A) they're just making this up or B) they're even more incompetent than they'd like anyone to know. Time will tell and it's unlikely to be pleasant for end users. Doubt it will bother the bank too much overall though.

There will soon be a dedicated social network for every niche interest. In this case, stoners.

Facebook has rowed back on its real names policy, sort of. If Facebook actually thinks this policy will help reduce misogyny, racism and every other type of abuse then they're a teensy-weensy bit deluded. They obviously haven't looked at what their users are actually doing and saying on their platform, or off their platform using their Facebook IDs for that matter.

Eye Candy


A Beautiful Love Story Between Two Glitch Art Bots. It's so beautiful, I'm almost tearing up here.


Still pulling strokes. Nothing to see here, move along.

Worth Pondering


Totally Confused

A tour of a tiny house on wheels, mixed-up YouTube mashups, Internet animals, defining honey and Africa's loneliest monkey.

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Your weekly dose of Pocket lint.

'The Unrepentant Bootlegger'. 3,500 words, 12 minutes.

'The Jihadi Hunters', 2,400 words, 8 minutes.

'The Trenchcoat Robbers', 5,200 words, 17 minutes.

'Marijuana Is a Welcome Wedding Guest in Colorado and Washington State', 2,300 words, 8 minutes.

Until next week!

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✩ Want You To Know: Have you ever seen 150 turtles being born?

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Watch this video and you can confidently say you have seen 150 turtles being released on a beach to fumble their way into the sea in an adorable manner. Mildly irritating music warning.

“Well, I guess that’s the last we’ll hear from her.”


Jerrie Mock, the first woman to fly solo around the world has died at the age of 88. Here's a great short piece about her by her granddaughter.


Public relations firm Wilson Hartnell released their 'Power 100' list of Irish political movers and shakers on Twitter. Oddly, there are 200 entries on the list of 100. The lower reaches feature Twitter accounts such as

So very influential …

PC gaming is not dead, for the umpteenth time

Six of the top 10 highest-grossing companies by game revenues are mobile or free-to-play first. The other companies are adopting those business models as well.

Google at least make an effort to counter their techbro culture by telling folks about unconscious bias in the workplace. The video is worth watching, although it is somewhat creepy. Using technology processes and analogies to make Human Resources more human seems a bit of a leap.

Eye Candy


Skull armchair, for all your supervillain lounging needs.

Worth Pondering


Totally Confused

Why your voice sounds different to you, Twitter = LinkedIn for the adult industry, conservative utopia gone wrong in Kansas, modern cities drawn Tolkien-style and a ship(wreck) named Typo.

Sportsing Corner

It turns out that repeatedly donning armour and banging your head off other armoured people doesn't have such a great outcome.

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✩ Want You To Know: Higher Than First Class

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It's October 1st, careful you don't annex anything by mistake! Instead you could grab yourself a nice new wallpaper for the month.

Exciting news, part the first: the utterly wonderful Roxanne Gray is coming to The Toast to launch something appropriately called The Butter. More evidence, if it was needed, that online publishing doesn't have to be listicles, SEO-mangled headlines and hasty retractions of Twitter rumours reported as fact.

Exciting news, part the second: Jon Hamm will star in a three-part Black Mirror Christmas special. What the words 'Christmas special' mean to Charlie Brooker is anyone's guess. In the bleak midwinter indeed.


What exactly is it that An Taoiseach is non-apology apologising for?


Emergent.info aims to track rumours and hoaxes as they spread online, and identify whether they're true of false. A bit like a near real-time Snopes.

Always read the small print

When people connected to the hotspot, the terms and conditions they were asked to sign up to included a “Herod clause” promising free Wi-Fi but only if “the recipient agreed to assign their first born child to us for the duration of eternity”. Six people signed up.

Netflix is branching out into movie production. This should surprise the sum total of zero people.

Oh The Glamour!


If you've $23,000 to spare you could definitely spend it on something more worthwhile than a return flight from Singapore to New York.

French Kissing


Worth Pondering, Quora Edition

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Totally Confused, Dog + Water Edition

Dog + water, dog + hose, dog + paddling pool, dog + inflatable collar and dog + water + otter.

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✩ Want You To Know: Blowin’ In The Wind

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Scientists have been sneaking Bob Dylan lyrics into their papers for the last seventeen years.

Remember Dialup?

3G is almost as bad

Dreams To Remember


Your dreams get weirder as the night goes on.


"I believe it is essential to have Irish staff behind the bar or on the floor because they have the personality to get on with customer. Irish staff know what is going on in Croke Park or in the rugby or what is happening around the county," said Mr Chawke.

The Irish Immigrant Council opposed Mr Chawke's views and pointed out that his stance was illegal.

This may backfire on Charlie Chawke. Just maybe.


The Irish Water data retention issue rumbles on.

More Irish Water issues rumble on. “You tell me one party out there who doesn’t look after their own. I don’t see anything wrong with it. It’s politics.”


Growth hacking = you will pester your contacts, or else.

Facebook has another go at following users around the Web. They're also building a drone fleet to follow people around in the real world.

Instagram was unplugged in mainland China lest people see what's happening in Hong Kong. The protesters in Hong Kong are using FireChat to organise, which is interesting. FireChat doesn't have centralised servers but uses peer-to-peer WiFi and Bluetooth connections between handsets, so can't be switched off as easily. Shades of BBM and the London riots.

Tim Berners-Lee says he wants " a web where I’m not spied on, where there’s no censorship". Fingers crossed.

The Daily Show may have met its match. One does not simply walk into a One Direction joke and expect to emerge unscathed.

Worth Pondering


Totally Confused

Everybody was 15th century fighting, using their own personal drone familiars, possessed by djinns in their pens, using teletext before the Asian Carpocalypse.

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