It seems parts of the Internet experienced a sudden outbreak of adlessness on Wednesday. I can't say I noticed because cough Adblock, but interesting nonetheless.
In comet updates, the silly bearded scientist attempted to make the comet landing all about his silly sexist shirt. Not really, but as an antidote to that silliness, here's This Is What A Scientist Looks Like
Without diving too far back into the mess that is GamerGate, here's a guy that people hate a lot more than the silly scientist, and rightly so.
Back In The Real World
More than four hundred people have visited a health centre for screening for blood-borne viruses after 22,000 dental patients were recalled … Doug Black, medical director for NHS England in Nottinghamshire, said it was the "largest recall in NHS history".
Dentist Desmond D'Mello investigation: Screening for blood-borne viruses begins
- The Dirty History of Doctor's Hands
(This is from a lovely-looking new quarterly called Method.)
Paul Mason of Channel 4 has a superb rant about banks and their ongoing misdemeanours here.
Worth Pondering
Eye Candy
Totally Confused
Aging boy band members, 'Let It Goat', always-clean lettuce, chainsaw in pants and lumbersexuals.
Finally, make your Wikipedia browsing much slicker with WikiWand. Seriously, it's great and will make you read even more Wikipedia articles that are not immediately relevant to your interests than ever before.
Yours weekendingly, @loughlin
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