Ampersand Consulting Em Dash
Renaming to something especially clunky is the latest craze. It's not as if PricewaterhouseCooper works particularly well in print anyway. Monday monday.
It's all incremental change at Twitter as it adds exciting, innovative features such as more images to user profiles to make them look more like Facebook. Because people who use Twitter in preference to Facebook really want that.
Bad ad of the day. Somebody in HTC signed off on this.
Here come the drones, supervising employees and serving legal papers. By 2022 they'll probably be deployed as SpAds. Of course, the Freemasons will still be running everything anyway.
EU data retention directive is "invalid" because it
interferes in a particularly serious manner with the fundamental rights to respect for private life and to the protection of personal data.
This very long infographic illustrates how far down the flight recorders from MH 370 might be.
It's The Final Countdown.
Totally Confused
Oslo mystery man, classic album covers, a day of Russian state TV, homeopathy is (still) bunk and won't somebody think of the books?